Current members of the Board of Directors
Emmanuel Grosjean, Collège des Producteurs agricoles de wallonie
Gilles t’Serstevens,
Olivier Mangeleer, Miel Maya Honing
Sébastien Leclef,
Frank Cockerill, Elecosy
The permanent team
Pierre-Yves Brasseur : Coordinateur
The current composition of the Board of Directors has been decided taking into account a maximum of criteria :
* Large and small organizations
* ASBL and commercial companies
* Organizations active in the field of food and non-food
* Practices of different trades : importers, processors, distributors, retail
* Organizations active in Wallonia, in Flanders and in Brussels
* Historic actors and new operators
* Economic activity and awareness
* Male and female representation
* "External" perspectives (Social economy and academic world)
Pierre-Yves Brasseur
BFTF asbl
Siège social :
Avenue Comte de Smet de Nayer, 14 boîte 3 - 5000 Namur
N° Entreprise : 0808 549 636
Banque Triodos : 523-0803449-73