The Belgian Fair Trade Federation : an initiative initiated and supported by actors in the field
Created in October 2010, BFTF is the Belgian fair trade federation. It brings together companies and associations active in Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders. Since May 2015, BFTF is also opening (...)
During a research study on fair trade handicrafts (the results were published in the beginning of summer 2008), the Minister of the Economy showed à strong interest for the fair trade sector by insisting on the need to create à representative body of all of the companies concerned. Several (...)
The federation is an exchange platform and a representative body of the sector
Internal missions
1. Facilitate collaborations between members : economies of scale, pooling of resources.
2. Circulate useful information for members
3. Develop member services :
Dissemination of information (...)
Current members of the Board of Directors
Emmanuel Grosjean, Collège des Producteurs agricoles de wallonie
Gilles t’Serstevens,
Olivier Mangeleer, Miel Maya Honing
Sébastien Leclef,
Frank Cockerill, Elecosy
The permanent team
Pierre-Yves Brasseur : Coordinateur
The current composition of (...)
Different statuses
The General Assembly brings together about fifteen fair trade organizations : associations and commercial companies. These structures have a large diversity in size, trades, goods and services provided ...
The members of our federation are active in Wallonia, Brussels and (...)