Miel Maya Honing

Membre effectif Sensibilisation Liège  | 

Information and awareness raising, support for apiculture development projects, andnetworking

The Miel (honey) Maya Honing association is an accredited non-governmental organization (NGO).

Its activities include a "Southern" component and a "Northern" component :

  • The "Southern" component includes development projects in Bolivia, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo ;
  • The "Northern" component concerns information and mobilization work in Belgium, with two themes : fair trade (via educational projects in primary schools and participation in the "Fair Trade Communes" campaign) and common issues to beekeeping in northern and southern countries.

Miel Maya Honing association is funded by grants, private donations and miscellaneous income. The main subsidies come from the Belgian Development Cooperation, the Walloon Region (via the APE employment aid scheme), Operation 11.11.11 and Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI).


Dirk Wils
formulaire de contact

Outils et liens

2025 - Belgian Fair Trade Federation
Tous droits réservés
