Hope Project

Produits Bio Membre effectif Textile et accessoires Sensibilisation  | 

Hope Project aims to fight against poverty, inequality, discrimination in any form, encourage teamwork and respect for key human values such as respect, dignity, solidarity, equality. We want to develop a regular practice of generosity and service to the poorest people, we are sure and certain that the best talent is the talent to act.

The aim of the association is to raise awareness about consumerism, with the import, creation and sale under fair trade standards of natural products including the vegetable ivory "Tagua" which is the nut of a palm tree that grows in South America, most of them in Ecuador.

These are organic, eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, lightweight, sustainable, unique beauty products that also raise awareness of elephant protection as a substitute for ivory and environmental protection as there is no machine intervention or deforestation problems for its harvest.

They are entirely hand-crafted by artisan producers for whom fair remuneration and good working conditions are required and child labor is prohibited, thus guaranteeing the sustainable development of these populations. The benefits of these sales are subject to a national and international cooperation process with the creation and support of social and humanitarian projects in Belgium and other countries around the world.

Investment in education, training and work in a multicultural society such as ours is also an integral part of our main goal, with the creation and management of the "Hope Workshops" in which people are sensitized to our circle of action and at the same time we accompany newcomers, refugees and their families towards a socio-professional integration in Belgium.


Oswaldo Guerrero
formulaire de contact

Outils et liens

2025 - Belgian Fair Trade Federation
Tous droits réservés
