Fairtrade Belgium

Membre effectif Bruxelles Sensibilisation  | 


Fairtrade Belgium is an association linked to the NGO Fairtrade International, whose primary mission is to connect Southern producers, businesses, industry, and consumers in order to implement and develop fair trade. The Fairtrade system is a fair trade model at the center of which is the Fairtrade label and whose ultimate goal is to get farmers in the South to earn a living income. Fairtrade does not buy or sell anything itself, but works with business partners (brands, distributors, Horeca, ...) to develop the fair trade market.

Fairtrade raises awareness among citizens and actors in Belgian civil society about the global challenges of today. Fair Trade has a role to play in today’s global challenges, including those set out in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Fairtrade is active in the social debate, intervenes in some current issues, and addresses a varied audience through these campaigns, often relayed by other organizations such as universities, universities, municipalities, public bodies, etc. Fairtrade is also a member of the Fair Trade Communes campaign and plays an active role in the development of Fair Trade. The organization is also a member of other collective initiatives in collaboration with organizations such as 11.11.11, Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken, The Foodture, etc.


Fairtrade Belgium wants to put the human in the center of the commercial relations. We create links between producers in the South and consumers who are ready to invest in a more just world. The same is true of manufacturers, traders, politicians and associations who share our vision. Because the challenge is daunting and time consuming, we aim to make fair trade as transparent and effective as possible. We do this through a recognizable label, friendly awareness campaigns and simple cooperation models between industry and distribution. We believe that there is a real desire to make trade more human. Our role is to facilitate and accelerate this process. So that the human is more present in the heart of your purchases, your company, your business, your municipality or your association.


Douchka van Olphen
formulaire de contact

Outils et liens

2025 - Belgian Fair Trade Federation
Tous droits réservés
