Become a member

Why join the Belgian Federation of Fair Trade ?

A BFTF member has several advantages :

  • Integration within an official representative structure of the sector at national level.
  • Integration into a network of fair trade stakeholders.
  • Access to information about sector and the activity of the federation and its members.
  • Promoting your structure in the context of events.
  • Access to training and other related services in response to the needs of members.

Who can join ?

Fair trade structures in their activities such as production, importation, processing, distribution and sales, but also awareness raising, training and education ... And whose head office is in Belgium and therefore , fully complies with all Belgian statutory requirements : taxes, VAT, taxes, customs duties, social contributions, etc.

Four points of attention summarize the commitment of the organization requesting its membership of BFTF :

  • The choice of fair trade is a priority commitment made by the management.
  • Fair trade therefore occupies a central place in the development of the organization.
  • Fair trade is an incessantly perfectible process. The perfection of this process is never truly achieved.
  • Fair trade aims to develop a coherent and fair chain from producer to consumer.

How to join ?

Do you think you meet the criteria above ? Don’t hesitate to contact our coordinator by email ( or by phone at 04 / 223.43.35 for more information.

Fair Trade : Both in the North and South !

The federation is expanding and opens up to new members : the actors of local fair trade. Interested ?

Come and read our brochure about it !

A little reminder about fair trade...

Definition established in 2001 by the FINE consensus. FINE is an informal coordination of fair trade actors that brings together the major international networks (FLO, WFTO, EFTA) :

"Fair Trade is a trade partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, the goal of which is to achieve greater equity in world trade. It contributes to sustainable development by providing better trading conditions and guaranteeing the rights of marginalized producers and workers, especially in the South. Fair Trade organizations (supported by consumers) are actively engaged in supporting producers, raising awareness and campaigning for changes in the rules and practices of conventional international trade. "

Nous contacter

Pierre-Yves Brasseur


BFTF asbl
Siège social :
Avenue Comte de Smet de Nayer, 14 boîte 3 - 5000 Namur
Siège d’exploitation :
Rue du Fort, 35 - 1060 Saint-Gilles

N° Entreprise : 0808 549 636
Banque Triodos : 523-0803449-73

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2025 - Belgian Fair Trade Federation
Tous droits réservés
